I Found 7 Profitable Planner Niches to Make Passive Income on Etsy This Week

The Digital Guy
2 min readMay 16, 2024


Photo by Paico Oficial on Unsplash

Do you love the satisfaction of a perfectly organized to-do list? Does the sight of a color-coded planner make your heart sing? If you answered yes, then this post is for you!

Because guess what? You can turn your passion for organization into a profitable side hustle.

The world of digital planners on Etsy is booming, and there’s a niche out there waiting to be filled by your creative spark.

This week, I explored the exciting world of planner niches and discovered a treasure trove of untapped potential.

So grab a cup of tea, settle in, and get ready to turn your planner obsession into passive income!

Here are 7 hot planner niches to consider for your Etsy shop:

1. Health & Wellness Planners: People are prioritizing their well-being more than ever. Design a planner that empowers them to achieve their health goals. Include sections for meal planning, fitness trackers, habit building, and self-care routines.

2. Budget Planners: Financial planning is a universal struggle. Design a planner with expense trackers, savings charts, debt-reduction tools, and bill due trackers. Let your planner be their roadmap to financial freedom.

3. Creative Project Planners: Cater to the artistic souls out there! Create planners with project brainstorming sections, mood board templates, to-do lists, and progress trackers. Help them bring their creative visions to life.

4. Language Learning Planners: The world is getting smaller, and language learning is on the rise. Design a planner to help language enthusiasts stay on track with vocabulary trackers, verb conjugation charts, practice schedules, and cultural immersion sections.

5. Travel Planners: Fuel the wanderlust! Design a planner specifically for globetrotters. Include itinerary builders, packing checklists, space to document memories and cultural experiences, and budget trackers for those unforgettable adventures.

6. Hobby Planners: People are passionate about their hobbies! Whether it’s gardening, baking, or music production, create planners that help them organize their passions, track progress, and set goals.

7. Student Planners: Student life can be chaotic. Design a planner to keep them organized with class schedules, assignment trackers, exam prep sections, and even a semester budgeting tool.


  • Do your keyword research! Find out what terms people are searching for to target the right audience.
  • Make your planners visually appealing! Design is key on Etsy.
  • Offer additional value! Include inspirational quotes, productivity tips, or helpful checklists.

With a little creativity and planning (pun intended!), you can turn your planner passion into a profitable Etsy shop. Now get out there and design something amazing!



The Digital Guy

Young writer that loves to talk about Copywriting, Content Creation and Digital Marketing.